Invited Talks
Participant in the Panel Discussion: “Connection and De-Connection in African Studies – State of the Art” at VAD Young Scholars’ Conference on Networking and Networks “African Connections – Connecting African Studies?” 27. June 2018, University of Leipzig.
“Perspektive und Ziele von Entwicklungsländern” [vistas and goals of developing countries], Internationale DAAD Akademie“Wissenschaftskooperationen mit Entwicklungsländern [science cooperation with developing countries]”, 28.-29. Mai 2015, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn.
„Wenn Ideen auf Weltreise gehen“ [When ideas travel the world], 2. Workshop des Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, “Vernetzungen -Raum-Zeit-Anordnungen als ‘Mapping'” [Networks – Space-Time Arrangements as „Mapping“], 31. Januar 2015, University of Bayreuth.
„DerArbeitsbereich Hochschulforschung an der Bayreuther InternationalenGraduiertenschule für Afrikastudien (BIGSAS)“ [Higher Education Studies at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies], Kolloquien des INCHER-Kassel zu Themen der Hochschulforschung, July 2014, University of Kassel.
„Hochschulsteuerung als Element des Hochschulreformprozesses in Europa“ [Higher education governance as an element of higher education reform processes in Europe], INCHER-Forschungskolloquium „Effekte von Governance-Reformen im Hochschulsektor“[Effects of Governance Reforms in the Higher Education Sector] March 2011, University of Kassel.
„Hochschulbildung in (Post)Konfliktsituationen am Beispiel Südsudan“ [Higher Education in(Post)conflict situations using the example of Southern Sudan], at the conference „Hochschulbildung in Entwicklungsländern: Studentisches Engagement in Krisenregionen, Seminar für Studierende/ studentische Multiplikatoren“ [Higher education in developing countries: student engagement in crisis regions, seminar for students/student multiplicators], December 2009, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bonn.
Speaker in the Panel Discussion: „Sudan: zerrissen – zerstört – ums Öl gebracht“ [Sudan: disrupted, destroyed – conned out of oil], February 2008, Bahnhof Langendreer, Bochum.
Co-organised Panels on Higher Education in Africa
“African Universities or Universities in Africa? “, Conference of the Association for African Studies in Germany (VAD ev.): “Africa Challenges”, 7-11. June 2021, Goethe University of Frankfurt (virtual conference) (with S. Ress)
“A new political economy in African higher education” ECAS8: “Africa: Connections and Disruptions”,11-14. June 2019, Edinburgh (with C. Baumann, R. Lauberbach & S. Ress)
“Universities as nodes in global networks of knowledge production andpower: new perspectives on universities in African countries”, Conference of the Association for African Studies in Germany (VAD ev.): “African Connections”, 29. June 2018, University of Leipzig (with S. Ress, S. Skupien)
“From village schools to univer-cities: Rural-urban dynamics in education and knowledge production in Africa” ECAS7: “Urban Africa – Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban”, 29. June – 1. July 2017, University of Basel (with S. Fichtner, M. Pilon)
„Research and Knowledge Transfer at Public Universities in Eastern and Southern Africa: Translating Policy into Practice”, 19. January 2017, Robert Bosch Academy/Robert Bosch Foundation, Representative Office Berlin.
“Global Ideas and Local Strategies for the Future: Perspectives on Higher Education and International Collaboration in Africa and beyond”, Conference of the Association for African Studies in Germany (VAD ev.): “Future Africa”, June 2014, University of Bayreuth (with C. Scherer, E. Woldegiorgis)
Panel Chair and Moderator
„Higher education, private sector and socio-economic development“ The ECAS 2017 Business and Development Forum at the University of Basel: Moving with Africa. Opportunities for Business and Development, 28. June 2017.
“Educational Policy in African Contexts: Resources, Reform, Reconstruction” African Studies Association, 57th Annual Meeting: “Rethinking Violence, Reconstruction and Reconciliation”, November 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.
(Deutschlands) Zukunft in der globalisierten Welt [(Germany’s) Future in the globalised world], BIGSAS Festival Afrikanischer und Afrikanisch-Diasporischer Literaturen:»Literaturen der/& Erinnerung: 1884-1904-1914«, June 2014, University of Bayreuth,Germany (with M. Popal)
„Blicke schärfen – Perspektivwechsel ermöglichen. Kontakte und Austausch mit Studierenden in Krisenregionen“[Improving awareness and changing perspectives. Contacts and exchange withstudents in regions affected by crisis], Konferenz „Hochschulbildung in Entwicklungsländern: Studentisches Engagement in Krisenregionen, Seminar für Studierende/ studentische Multiplikatoren“ [Higher education in developing countries: student engagement in crisis regions, seminar for students/studentmultiplicators], December 2009, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bonn.