Forschungs- und Beratungsprojekte

Evaluation „Collaboration of Entrepreneurial Universities“ (2019)

The project is a mid-term evaluation of the higher education partnership project “Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Universities”. It encompasse an analysis of the impact of the strategies and measures to enhance university-industry linkages at two Kenyan universities. The methods used are: desk research, interviews with academic and administrative staff at the two universitie responsible for university-industry linkages and representatives of the private sector. The evaluation was commissioned by the German partner university.

Evaluation „ESARSWG“ (2019-2020)

The objective of the project is the evaluation of the East and Southern African Seismological Working Group (ESARSWG) network (a transnational african scientific network of geophysicists) and its activities from 1997 to 2019. The methods used are: desk research, expert and stakeholder interviews with seismologists, technicians, disaster risk management officials, structural engineers and donors during field visits in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda and an online survey. The project was commissioned by the International Science Program of the University of Uppsala. The evaluation is conducted in partnership with Dr. Stefan Skupien and Dr. Alastair Sloan.

Translating Visions into Practice – Research and Knowledge Transfer at Public Universities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa (2016-2017)

The goal of the project is to investigate how the organizational archetype of the entrepreneurial university (Pinheiro & Stensaker 2014) is translated into practice at African Flagship Universities in four countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa), the impact of organisational transformation on research practices as well as forms of research-society/business relations. Data will be generated by analysing legal and political documents (macro-level), strategic plans and research policies of university organisations (meso-level) and interviews and participant observation with individual researchers/research groups. The research project was funded by a grant from the Robert Bosch Academy.

Development and Entrepreneurship at Universities: The Case of Moi University and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2014)

The goal of the project was to investigate the influence and translation of global ideas into organizational strategies at Moi University in Kenya and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Data was generated through document analysis of strategic plans and semi-structure expert interviews during field research. The research funded by a travel grant of the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), Universität Bayreuth.

Progress in Higher Education Reform Across Europe: Governance & Funding (2008-2010)

An international collaborative comparative study exploring the policy changes in the governance and funding of European higher education systems between 1995 and 2008. The research project was funded by the European Commission.

Higher Education Governance within the Scope of (Post-)Conflict Reconstruction in Southern Sudan (2007-2013)

The dissertation project is a case study of higher education governance in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 with the three universities – University of Juba, University of Upper Nile and University of Bahr el Ghazal – that existed in the post-war region in the southern part of the country as the embedded units of analysis of the case study. The research questions were: How are universities in Southern Sudan governed? and How useful are higher education governance typologies in describing the case. Data (61 interviews with stakeholders, documents, archival records and direct observation) was generated during a five months field stay in Sudan in 2008. The dissertation project was funded by a Graduate Scholarship of the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.